Company Profile

Eric Design Architect Ltd was founded in March 1995. In the early years, the Firm explored in a great diversity of architectural ventures which included religious, educational, rehabilitation, residential, commercial and industrial, both in Hong Kong and China. Ultimately, the Firm has consolidated and focused in Religious and Institutional projects. We pride ourselves for being able to benefit and contribute to some sectors of the society, and have acquired considerable recognition in the architectural field. Our religious projects, Precious Blood Children’s Village Ancillary Complex, was awarded the President’s Prize 2016-17 - Special Jury’s Mention and Precious Blood’s Home for the Aged Sisters, was awarded the President’s Prize 2013 - Special Mention by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) respectively. Our rehabilitation project, Hong Chi Jockey Club Pinehill Training Complex for People with Intellectual Disabilities, was awarded The Special Architectural Award 2015 by HKIA. Our educational project, All-weather Swimming Pool for China Holiness Church Living Spirit College, was awarded the President’s Prize 2007 by HKIA. In addition, our educational and religious project, Alliance Joyful Peace Kindergarten / Church, was awarded the CSD HK Interior Design Award 1997.

Since the year 2001, we have been involving in Institutional Projects for NGOs, including Integrated Rehabilitation Complexes, Day Activity Centres and Hostels. We find these projects very meaningful as our devotions have benefited the less fortunate including the mentally handicapped and the physically handicapped. Our designs provide delightful environments embracing Love & Care.

We have always been exploring new design possibilities and creating designs that are unpretentious and pleasingly functional. Our design of the ‘Water Lantern’ received the Gold Award 2006 from the Hong Kong Tourism Board, and was Finalist in the Design for Asia Award 2007. In this project, we explored abstract sculptural forms and spaces expressing free flow and fluidity, which manifested the beauty aspiring from freedom and vitality - an architectural language translating to people beyond geographical boundaries.

The Firm is also an enthusiast of Green Architecture. Environmental concern has always been apparent in our works. We show our love of nature in our designs by incorporating and featuring elements of nature in them. We particularly believe in the impacts of natural lighting on architecture, which, if aptly applied, would bring life to architectural forms and space.

We pursue for simplicity and purity in designs. Above all, we design with passion and joy, and with upheld drive and persistence for an Architect’s dream - to create Architecture which are inspiring and touching.


陳健華建築設計所於1995年3月成立,早期於香港及中國內地致力探索不同的建築設計及發展可能性,包括宗教、教育、復康、住宅、商業及工業等。近年,設計所優先投放資源於宗教、教育及復康等建築項目。能夠為社會一些範疇作出貢獻,並在建築界取得一點認同,令我們感到鼓舞。其中的宗教項目,寶血兒童村多功能設施獲香港建築師學會頒發2016-17年獎「會長獎狀 - 評審特別獎」及「寶血女修會頤樂會院」獲香港建築師學會2013年獎「會長獎 - 狀特別獎」;復康項目,「匡智松嶺賽馬會智障人士綜合訓練設施」獲香港建築師學會2015年獎 — 「主題建築獎」;教育項目,「中華聖潔會靈風中學」的全天候游泳池獲香港建築師學會2007年獎 -「會長獎狀」。此外,「宣道會頌安幼稚園/頌安堂」獲香港特許設計師1997年室內設計獎。

設計所一直參與非牟利機構的建築項目,包括綜合復康中心、日間活動中心及宿舍等。最具代表性的項目為「匡智粉嶺綜合復康中心」,它的前身是粉嶺醫院, 於2004年經改建後成為一所專為不同智障程度的人士提供綜合復康服務的中心,其規模及功能複雜性為同類項目之最。

設計所致力探索富原創性的建築設計,「維園綵燈大觀園」的設計項目獲香港旅遊發展局頒發2006年設計金獎,並獲得亞洲設計大獎 2007年入圍獎。這設計從「水」得到啟發,型態及空間表現「水」的靈活多變,順應自然,象徵自由及生命力。設計以「水」的建築美學,去探索跨越地域、超越界限的共通美學語言。

